Electric Charging Stations

We are pleased to team up with EVduty-Elmec, industry leaders in electric charging solutions, to offer our customers electric vehicle charging stations. With four exclusive parking spots in front of our reception area, you can now recharge your vehicle with peace of mind while enjoying the Parc du Massif du Sud.

During the summer season, two additional charging stations are also available in front of the Pavillon Desjardins, providing increased flexibility for your summer travels.

📱 In anticipation of your next visit, you can already download the EVduty app on your smartphone :

We recommend installing the application before your arrival at the park due to limited network coverage on site.
bornes électriques au Parc du Massif du Sud

EVduty3 Terminal Usage Procedure

  1. Download the EVduty application (available on the App Store for iOS and on Google Play for Android).
  2. Open the application and create an account by tapping on SIGN UP TO EVDUTY.
  3. Follow the instructions on your smartphone until you are logged into your account and the main page of the application appears.
  4. Optional: In the menu, select BALANCE to add funds from a credit card.
  5. Optional: MANAGE MY CREDIT CARDS and then click on ADD.
  6. Optional: Enter your credit card information and click on FINISH.
  7. Optional: Add funds to your account, $25, $50, or other.
  8. Return to the main screen or to the map of terminals.
  9. Click on the charging station you wish to connect to.
  10. Click on the START button below the terminal you want to connect to (there may be multiple terminals per station).
  11. Choose the battery percentage limit and maximum charging time, then click on CONNECT MY VEHICLE. Next, choose the desired connector type (CHAdeMO or SAE Combo/CCS).
  12. A window with a countdown of 5 minutes will appear. During this time, please connect your vehicle with the appropriate charging cable (CHAdeMO or SAE Combo/CCS).
  13. Wait for the charging initialization to complete. This may take 30 to 45 seconds.
  14. When the charging starts, another window will appear showing you the battery charge percentage, voltage, amperage, recharge energy, charging time, and cost since the beginning of the session.
  15. If you want to stop the charging, click on STOP and then confirm the stop request.
  16. Afterward, please place the charging cable back on its holder.
  17. You can review your charging session history by going to your PROFILE.