Winter hiking

Parc du Massif du Sud offers about 35 kilometers of marked trails suitable for winter hiking*. With an average snowfall of 450 cm every winter, its high peaks and low valleys, its crystalline waters and ancient forests, the diversity of the park is truly a visitor’s wonder.

* Please bring a means of traction (snowshoes, poles, crampons). Check out our snow report to plan your hike and choose the right equipment.



  • Choose synthetic clothing rather than cotton, they will dry faster and keep you warm even if they are wet
  • Bring spare clothing, such as socks, mitts and hats
  • Bring enough water (1 litre minimum) and a snack
  • Bring a small backpack with a headlamp, matches, sunscreen lotion, a first aid kit and a trail map
  • Plan your itinerary on a map and let someone know of your plan, including departure and return time
  • Choose a trail that fits your capacities (average speed of 2 km/h) taking into account the reduced sunshine duration during winter
  • Check the weather forecast before leaving
  • Warm-up and stretch to reduce risks of injuries during your hike


  • For your own safety, never leave alone
  • Always stay on the trail and pay attention to the signs
  • Don’t wear the straps of your poles around your wrists. That way, if you fall or your poles gets stuck, you will reduce your risks of injuries
  • Drink water often and in small quantities
  • Carry your trash with you to dispose of it in a garbage bin
  • Don’t hesitate to evaluate your itinerary during the day and to turn around if necessary

What to do in a blizzard?

A blizzard is a sudden snow and wind storm causing snow to be blown around and reducing visibility. This phenomenon is common is high altitude areas where the vegetation is rarer and the mountains more exposed.

If you get caught in a blizzard or in blowing snow, here are a few tips to help you:

  • Protect your face and exposed skin by covering it with clothing (sunglasses, scarf, neck warmer, etc.)
  • Protect yourself from the wind in a sheltered wooded area or in a mountain hut, if one can be found near you. Avoid leaving the trail.
  • Turn around and make your way down to the visitor center as soon as possible

What to do if you are injured and cannot move?

  • First, if you have a cellphone with you, see if you have cellphone signal where you are. If so, call the visitor center at 418-469-2228 extension 101. Explain your situation and ask for help.
  • If you don’t have cellphone signal where you are, but you’re not alone, protect yourself from the cold, the wind and the ground. Once you are in a stable position, ask your partner to go get help at the visitor center.
  • If you are by yourself, cannot move and don’t have cellphone signal, try to stay as warm as possible and protect yourself from the ground with some form of insulation. Stay close to the trail and try to be easy to see by other users or the rescue team.

In any case, never leave the signaled areas.

What to do if you are lost?

  • If you left the signaled area and you don’t know where you are, turn back following your prints until you reach the signaled area.
  • If you cannot see your prints, and are on a slope, slowly make you way down: most of our trails follow rivers or streams in the valleys. If you reach a river or a stream, follow it until you reach a trail.
  • If you cannot see your prints, and even by going down into the valley you cannot find any stream, river or trail, but you have a cellphone, see if you have cellphone signal where you are. If so, call the visitor center at 418-469-2228 extension 101. Explain your situation and ask for help.
  • If you don’t have cellphone signal where you are, you cannot see your prints and are lost outside of the signaled area, try to orientate yourself: try to find a summit or another clue to where you might be. Move only if you are sure of the direction you’re heading to.
  • Otherwise, the best thing to do is to stay where you are, to protect yourself as much as possible from the elements, to make sure you are easy to see using any colorful object (clothing, tent, tarp, etc.) and, if you have one, by using your whistle, or calling for help. If night falls, turn a headlamp on or start a fire to ensure you are easy to spot.

In any case, it is preferable to wait for help rather than spending your energy going around in circles in the woods.

Trail map

See trail map

You can also use our geolocated map on AVENZA.

Choose your itinerary

Parcours des Passerelles

Length: 4.6 km – Elevation gain: 147 m – Average time: 1h30 – Last departure: 2:30 pm

Ideal for a family or contemplative walk, follow the humming sound of the crystal-clear Milieu river on the Passerelles trail before reaching the refuge du Milieu. New in 2021: the return is now via Le long jeu, a mountain bike trail in summer. Bonus: You will find a lot of information about the brook trout along the trail.

Parcours de la Vieille forêt

Length: 4.8 km – Elevation gain: 221 m – Average time: 1h30 – Last departure: 2:30 pm

Mystic forests and waterfalls are your things? You found the right trail!  Marvel at the Bassin waterfall and then, don’t forget to look up to get a glimpse of some 300 years old yellow birches as you hike the ancient forest!

Parcours du Mont Chocolat

Length: 7.9 km – Elevation gain: 380 m – Average time: 3h – Last departure: 12:30

Who doesn’t love chocolate? Certainly one of the most popular trail of the park, the mont Chocolat has, apart from its name, everything to please you! Part of the hike follows a pristine river while the other takes you through a sugar maple stand before offering you 3 of the best panoramas of the park. New in 2021: a new return alternative, a bit steeper. A pretty good value for your effort!

Parcours des Ravages

Length: 9.1 km – Elevation gain: 468 m – Average time: 3h30 – Last departure: noon

This trail leads you in the heart of the moose habitat and their ravages, where they graze in the clearings. Start your hike early and you might get the chance to see this great mammal. Is it your lucky day?

Parcours des Parois

Length: 9.8 km – Elevation gain: 449 m – Average time: 3h30 – Last departure: noon

Following most of the Mont Chocolat trail, you will be able to gaze into the pristine waters of the Milieu river and admire the view on top of Mont Chocolat. But, instead of coming back down, add 1.9 km to your hike and get the chance to see some of the highest rock walls in the park. A detour well worth it!

Parcours de la Crête des Grives

Length: 11.1 km – Elevation gain: 550 m – Average time: 4h – Last departure: 11 am

Often the unexpected highlight of a visit, this trail has a lot to offer.  Hike through an ancient forest, cross crystal-clear rivers and then get your boots ready for some serious ascent. The effort is well worth it, for the views on top of the Crête des Grives are, just like the ascent, breathtaking!

Parcours du Mont Saint-Magloire

Length: 13.9 km – Elevation gain: 641 m – Average time: 5h30 – Last departure: 9:30

Ready to reach the highest summit of Chaudière-Appalaches? At 917 meters,  take in the 360° view of the area, as far as Quebec city on the St Lawrence river to the highest mountain of Maine, Mount Katahdin. On a clear day, of course!

Parcours l'Exploration

Length: 16 km – Elevation gain: 756 m – Average time: 6h30 – Last departure: 8:30

The second highest summit of the park (only 2 meters lower than Mont Saint Magloire), Mont du Midi makes for a great day of exploration! Cross many pristine rivers, climb Mont Chocolat and part of Mont du Midi before coming down past remains of the log driving industry in the park.

Parcours des Géants

Length: 18 km – Elevation gain: 723 m – Average time: 7 h – Last departure: 8:30

In search of a challenge? Here is one for you! This trail will take you to the top of Mont Saint-Magloire (the park’s giant), in the heart of the moose habitat (an animal’s giant), and at the feet of ancient trees (a forest’s giant). Hence, the name Giants’ trail.

Multi-day hike

Parcours de la Grande Boucle (closed)

Length: 28.4 km (day 1: 14.4 km; day 2: 14 km) – Elevation gain: 1,214 m – Average time: 2 days

The longest of the multi-day hiking trails will take you to the summit of the highest peak of Chaudière-Appalaches (Mont Saint-Magloire).  Spending the night in the heart of the park, where silence and tranquility are easy to find, will recharge your batteries for the second day! This hike must be done over 2 days.

Equipment rental on-site

Available at the park are a wide range of snowshoes, crampons and poles for the whole family. Our snowshoes, equipped with pivot crampons and a strap binding system designed to fit a wide range of footwear, are perfect for any mountain adventure with your family and friends!