Official logos of Massif du Sud Park

In 2023, Massif du Sud Park celebrated its 25th anniversary and unveiled a new brand image. This web section allows you to download the official versions of our logo.

For any mention of the park, it is important to designate it as Massif du Sud Park and not the Regional Park.

For the current year, the preferred logos of Massif du Sud Park are as follows:

  • Vertical version with slogan
  • Horizontal version without slogan

To download them, you can click on the links below.

Main Logo with Slogan – Vertical Version

Main Logo without Slogan – Horizontal Version

Main Logo – Variations in black, white, forest green, and beige

Partnership Sheets Logo or Specific Project Logo

Any usage of our logo must be approved prior to dissemination.

Any mention of “Parc régional du Massif du Sud” must also be modified to “Parc du Massif du Sud”.

Graphic Charter (colors, fonts, and contexts of use)

Our graphic charter remains the best tool to know the colors, fonts, and contexts of use for our various variations.

To download our graphic charter

Visual Approvals and Partnerships Information:

David Letky, Deputy General Manager, Communications
Massif du Sud Park
418 469-2228, extension 110 //