Eclipse – new ready-to-camp

For an immersive nature experience, choose the new Éclipse ready-to-camp accommodations at Parc du Massif du Sud.

These six new locally designed ready-to-camp Éclipse accommodations reflect our commitment to providing a nature retreat for our guests at Parc du Massif du Sud.

Located in the Birch sector on sites specially selected to maximize the large windows overlooking an abundant forest, the six Éclipse ready-to-camp units will appeal to those seeking comfort and an immersive nature experience, in a welcoming and thoughtfully designed space for 2 to 4 adults or a family of five (2 adults and 3 children).

Just a few meters from the cross-country ski trails, mountain biking paths, and hiking trails, the six Éclipse ready-to-camp units are within walking distance of the Pavillon Desjardins, a multifunctional facility offering $1 showers, a 24/7 restroom block, free Wi-Fi, and highly appreciated rest and cooking areas. The Park also provides restrooms and showers at the welcome station.

Equipped with a wood stove, a propane stove, three mattresses (two doubles and one single), and all the necessary cooking gear, the Éclipse ready-to-camp units are not yet electrified but will be in a subsequent phase starting in the summer of 2025. We provide 10 liters of potable water per night and deliver the full amount to your accommodation on the day of your arrival. In the summer, an outdoor fire pit and picnic table allow you to fully enjoy your site. A supply of firewood is provided for the duration of your stay, and additional wood can be purchased at the welcome station if needed.

Please note that:

  • In the summer, you may park your vehicle directly at your accommodation. Please note that only one vehicle is allowed per parking spot, and RVs or trailers are not permitted. In the winter, you must park your vehicle in one of the designated parking areas and walk 900 meters to reach your accommodation. A sled is available at the welcome station to help transport your luggage.
  • The outdoor fire pit may only be used during the summer season, from May 1st to November 1st.
  • If you need additional potable water during your stay, you can obtain it at the welcome station, the Pavillon Desjardins, or the potable water station (in summer).
  • Bringing your own firewood is prohibited due to the risks associated with the transmission of tree diseases (such as the Emerald Ash Borer or the Asian Longhorned Beetle).
  • Dog owners may book the Éclipse des Nomades, Éclipse des Voyageurs, or Éclipse des Draveurs, the three Éclipse ready-to-camp units that accept dogs. However, dogs are not allowed to sleep on the mattresses and must remain on a leash at all times while on our property. No other animals are permitted inside the accommodations.

The interior dimensions of the Éclipse: 20 feet (length) x 12 feet (width) x 11 feet (height), or 240 square feet.


The six Éclipse ready-to-camp accommodations are located in the Birch sector, approximately 600 meters from the welcome station and 200 meters from the Pavillon Desjardins. They are accessible by car, except in winter, when the vehicle* must be parked near the welcome station.

Éclipse des Randonneurs | Éclipse des Explorateurs | Éclipse des Nomades
Éclipse des Montagnards | Éclipse des Voyageurs | Éclipse des Draveurs

*It is possible to recharge an electric vehicle at the charging stations available in front of the welcome station (year-round) as well as in front of the Desjardins Pavilion (summer season only).

Dogs are ONLY allowed in the following Éclipse accommodations (for an additional fee of $10 per night, to be added to your cart at checkout):

  • Éclipse des Nomades
  • Éclipse des Voyageurs
  • Éclipse des Draveurs

Virtual Tour: Birch Sector

Booking Terms and Conditions

The Éclipse ready-to-camp accommodation is designed for 4 adults or a family of five (2 adults and 3 children), but can accommodate up to a maximum of 5 adults.

What to Bring?

To make your experience more enjoyable, we recommend bringing the following items:

  • Camping chairs
  • Sleeping bags and pillows
  • Food
  • Dish towels
  • $1.00 for showers at the Pavillon Desjardins (Showers are $1.00 for four minutes of hot water)

Arrival After Hours

If you arrive after hours, please use the door at the back of the welcome station. In the gray box located to your right as you enter, you will find an envelope with your name containing all the information and items needed for your stay.


ACCOMODATIONExclusive useAvailable during winterMattress, cooking amenities and drinking waterGas stoveDistance from a parking lot (summer)OccupancyDogs allowedRegular priceReduced priceAdditional person fee 

See the pricing chart for other rates.

5 Assiettes à dîner 5 Assiettes à dessert 1 bol à salade 5 bols à soupe 1 bonbonnne de propane 20 livres 1 bouilloire aluminium 3 litres 1 bouteille à savon à vaisselle 1 briquet 1 cafetière style Bodum 4 chaises en bois 1 banc en bois 1 Chaudron avec couvercle 2 pintes 1 Chaudron avec couvercle 3 pintes 1 paire de ciseaux 1 couteau de chef 8 pouces 5 couteaux de table 1 couteau d'office 3 cuillères en bois 5 cuillères à soupe 5 cuillères à thé 1 détecteur de fumée/monoxyde de carbone 1 égouttoir blanc à vaisselle + plateau 1 extincteur de feu 5 livres 5 fourchettes 1 grille pain de camping 2 lanternes DEL 1 louche 2 linges à vaisselle 1 marmite acier inoxydable 16 pintes 2 matelas double 1 matelas simple 1 outil foyer 1 ouvre-boîte 1 passoire 1 pelle à neige (période hivernale) 1 pince à salade 1 planche à découper 1 plateau à ustensiles 1 poêle à cuisson 12 pouces 1 bouteille de nettoyant Kleen 6 1 poubelle pédale 31,2 litres 1 râpe à fromage 1 réchaud basse pression Martin 4 stores nuit/jour 1 séchoir à linge 1 spatule en plastique 1 table à pique-nique(extérieur) 1 table en bois 1 tapis d'entrée 1 tapis en plastique 5 tasses à café 1 tire-bouchon 5 verres 1 Liquide à vaisselle 1 Lavette / chiffon à vaisselle

1 bac à vaisselle 1 bac de recyclage 1 balai et 1 porte-poussière